Barnsley Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Welcome to Barnsley Methodist Circuit

The vision of the Barnsley Methodist Circuit is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ by encouraging, resourcing and enabling the people and churches of the Circuit to serve their communities and the wider world.

Barnsley Methodist Circuit has 16 chapels situated across the Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley. The town can trace its roots through many different industries and is particularly well known for its links to coal mining. Many of our churches are situated in the former pit villages where communities have had to re-define themselves following the closure of 'their' pit.

Some have been more successful than others but in most cases at the heart of these villages is the Methodist Chapel seeking to minister to the community and maintain the physical presence of the Gospel.

In the midst of this change the people called Methodist seek faithfully to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and witness to his love through their commitment as his disciples.

If you wish to contact our Circuit you can do so by either ringing the Circuit Office on 01226 321522 or Rev Louise Carr, Superintendent Minister, 01226 748402. Our postal address is: Barnsley Methodist Circuit, Circuit Office, c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church, Huddersfield Road, Barnsley. S75 1DT.

Get In Touch
01226 321522

Barnsley Methodist Circuit
c/o Emmanuel Methodist Church
Huddersfield Road
S75 1DT

Circuit Map

© 2012-2025 Barnsley Methodist Circuit
Seek faithfully to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ